Sunday, June 23, 2013

Information... The Key to Life

Effective Communication and The End to Silence.

We all know how to communicate and we all know how to get a point across. The time has come in this new era of technology, where the most meaningful information is no longer being communicated and the most frivolous of information receives the highest level of communication.

For example, lets look at Twitter. As a professional writer/reporter/public relations expert/ I know first hand that it is a tool that I should utilize, however, I do not. As a matter of fact, I hate Twitter. I feel that it has become a tool used by people who have nothing much to do with themselves so they tweet, in hope of someone caring, or at least showing that they care, by re-tweeting what they initially said. 

Now of course, I am not damning Twitter, nor am I suggesting that it is a useless tool. I have seen many journalist use it as well as many organizations. What ends up happening is sometimes, information is passed that is helpful, and other times, information is passed that is just downright useless, inaccurate, filled with fallacies or the organization or company retracts.

Tweet about the Boston Bombings, posted by The Boston Globe... Strange eh? Twitter can help and or hurt and organization. What did this tweet for the Newspaper?

We must remember, that as a society that collectively develops new and innovative ways to communicate, there must be some type of way to filter amongst the bad information, useless information, incorrect information and informative information. Some of the best information lies within tangible books. Although those are becoming a thing of the past, we must remember to keep that level of conscious information free flowing, away from all of the clutter that clouds our minds today.


Here's a question, if something is said to be true by a major news network, does that deem it to be true, by default? If there is information on the internet that counters what is being told (sold) by the mainstream media outlets, does that mean that it is inaccurate, by default? I am asking those questions to lead into this; when accurate information is passed from one individual to the next, great things are likely to occur.

For example, if I explained to you the importance of engineering and the contributions that an engineer can make towards the benefit of mankind, you would more than likely look at engineers with a particular level of prestige now that you know what they do and why they are important. 

If I tell you that Kanye West and Kim Kardashian just had a baby, and that they named  their newborn child, North West, just how valuable is that information and to what degree could you apply that information to a useful or productive cause? I honestly, do not think that you could at all.

Although entertainment is necessary, does anyone besides myself feel that we receive too much of it. Every channel is trying to make me laugh, every magazine is trying to tell me what to wear, even when I can not afford it and every music video is telling me what I should be doing and how I should be spending my money. DOES THAT NOT OFFEND YOU??? DOES THAT CONSISTENT FLOW OF USELESS INFORMATION NOT OFFEND YOU??

We are a generation of intelligent people, receiving the wrong information on a day-to-day basis from advertisers who are only after our dollar. Yet, if you take a closer look, you rarely see informative information flowing through your television set that is providing you with accurate, non-biased information that can permit for you as an individual that posses critical thinking skills, to make sound judgements about your day-to-day decisions. 

I am not an expert, yet. However, I am someone who works with a mass amount of information on a daily basis at my job. It is my duty to decipher between what is right, what is wrong and what is educational, before I write an article, press release, create a Power Point slide or word document. 

I must end with this, please people, be wary of the information that you consume and take for face value. Remember, there are corporations that exist who control the media that you take for face value and hold on a pedal-stool as the gatekeepers for accurate, timely, and important information. Remember, those reporters, anchors, news directors and producers all have an agenda. They are doing their job, and their job is not always in the public's best interest. YOU ARE THE PUBLIC.

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