Privately Owned Prisons... Get Your Piece Today!!
Invest in a Slave!!
I know that my blog may not seem conventional and the information that I try to provide you with may be disturbing. But, just know, it is all heavily researched, and I'm only trying to keep you informed!
So, since we are on the topic of information, let me inform you on a topic that I have been researching for a while. Yes, I was researching this topic way before Kanye West dropped his new album, Yeezus. The topic is private prisons.
Private prison is a place in which individuals are physically confined or interned by a third party that is contracted by a government agency. Private prison companies typically enter into contractual agreements with governments that commit prisoners and then pay a per diem or monthly rate for each prisoner confined in the facility.
Today, the privatization of prisons refers both to the takeover of existing public facilities by private operators and to the building and operation of new and additional prisons by for-profit prison companies.
Basically, a private prison is worse that a Federal prison because in a private prison an inmate is basically a cattle.
I chose this topic because as of right now, thanks to Kanye West, and his song New Slaves the topic is trending and more and more people are begenning to uncover the evilness that is associated with money, power and control, in other words, the evils of multinational corporations.
You see, here is the things, for the most part, we spend our whole lives doing the "right thing" or at lease trying to do the "right thing" because we are all afraid of something. What are we afraid of you ask, well the answer is the UNKNOWN.
Here is an example, I, Donovan Jackson, grew up on Long Island, New York in the town of Westbury. I was a very bad person growing up, but as I matured, I began to "shape up" and conform to society's definition of a productive citizen. It wasnt because I wanted to or had a sudden change of heart, it was because I was continously conditioned to. I was told that if I did not conform, and go to college and do all that other American Dream stuff, I would more than likely, end up dead or in jail.
Well, here I am now, a conformed member of society. Is it better than being in a evil private prison? I guess, however, sometimes I feel like I am mentally enslaved.
Here is another example. When I initially went to college, I did not go because I wanted to learn or seek a higher understand of knowledge. No, I went because I was told that If I WANTED TO MAKE IT IN AMERICA, THEN I HAD TO GO. Well, I graduated and now I am puruing my masters degree. Not much has changed, I am still struggiling, I owe a bunch of money to the government, and I dont feel any smarter. However, I do feel that I have the capabilities to understand more and grasp the world from a different light and that is what I am trying to get everyone else to do, through this blog.
This theory is just one of the ways to keep a population imprisoned |
Education, information and understanding, and in that order, are key to surviving in America. However, in a country with so many educators, so many books and so many resources, why is it that we have the largest prison system with the highest number of inmates?
Why is it that the majority of our inmates are African American and Latino American?
Why is it that there are more African American prisoners in this country, then there were slaves?
These are questions that I will not answer because we already know the answer, although the truth hurts us when we think about it, let alone even try to talk about it.
You see these companies, like the CCA, have figured something out that other people just cant seem to get. If you withdraw information from those that need it the most, than you can create/mold any type of human being you want, and yes, this includes prisoners.
The more available access that an individual has to education and relevent and vital information, the less likely he or she is to end up in a prison, working like a modern day slave, which is technicially what they really are.
And please, for one second, do not think that because WE are not in a prison that we are free, or that we are not slaves, no my friend, WE ARE SLAVES TO DEBT.
You see, if there is one thing that I have learned while earning my masters it is that, information must be passed on to those who can not afford or who will not go readily looking for it. Of course, i cant tell you write down everything that I disucss in my classes, but I can share with you the main points of what I am learining.
Has anyone ever stopped to ask themselves, why is it that the students who attend Ivy Leauge universities, typically end up as those in the most highest of positions within companies?? It isnt because they are smarter than us as we all have brains and for the most part are all created equal. It is because they have access to information that most people dont. Those that attend Harvard and Yale, are humans just like you and I, however, they are humans that have accessed information and have learned different levels of communication than your average John and Jane Doe.
I can go on forever about the topic, but I am not. The most important thing that you need to know is the flow of information and where are you getting it from. Education is key. It is the key that will unlock areas in your brain that you did not know existed.
And as far as private prisons are concerned, well check this out, Chicago and Philidelphia are both closing down record number of school in black neighborhoods. Why? What will that help? Who will that help? Not to mention, not only is Philly closing down schools, but they are also building a $400 million dollar prison...
Now what group of individuals do we know that can quickly fill up a $400 million dollar prison??? Oh that's right, UNEDUCATED BLACKS AND LATINOS!!!!
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