Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Diffusion of Innovation Theory... <----- Not as complex as it sounds!


There is this theory that I have recently learned about and I would like to share it with all of my readers. It is called THE DIFFUSION OF INNOVATION THEORY!! Now, I understand that some people may be scratching their heads and some of you may even be ready to log on to Facebook from this post! PLEASE DONT, LET ME EXPLAIN FIRST!!

So the theory seeks to explain how, why, and at what rate new ideas and technology spread through cultures. It was created by Everett Rogers, a professor of rural sociology, popularized the theory in his 1962 book Diffusion of Innovations. 

According to Rogers, diffusion is the process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among the members of a social system.

Well, based off of Rogers definition of the theory, I would like to put this into terms that everyone can understand. First, an innovation can technically be anything that sparks interest in people. It can be tangible or simply just an idea that gets people thinking. I have seen a lot of innovations as of late, The PS4, the new Xbox, the WiiU and of course any and all items developed by Apple.

But, lets take a minute to look an innovation that I am not a fan of. This innovation is called DEBT. The reason why I describe DEBT as an innovation is because of its impact on society and its longetivity. DEBT has been around long before Christ began healing the blind and feeding stadiums of people with only two fish. DEBT has been diffused into our culture as something that is alright and it is NOT alright. DEBT makes us into slaves, slaves that spend the rest of our lives working just to pay it off. When it DEBT, nothing is as enjoyable as it should be because we know exactly where our hard earned money has to go, prior, to it ever reaching our bank accounts. Does that not bother you? It bothers me. No, really, it bothers me.

Would you believe me if I told you that a theory such as the Diffusion of Innovations Theory, has been around for centuries, only in 1962 the term was actually coined. Look around at all of the social injustices other than DEBT that have been diffused into our culture as the norm, and you will see why I say that it has been around for centuries. Hunger, homelessness, violence, explotation of human labor, racism, sexisim, etc. We as humans have allowed these things to happen because they were once innovations created by an elite group of people that have managed to diffuse these injustices into our psyche and make us belief that they are normal and that we are normal when in fact, we are all crazy and sadly like minded for allowing these things to persist. We allow companies like Monsanto to virtually poison the food and play God, yet we say nothing (well we are now). We allow mass murder of people in Chicago to take place, do nothing about it, then cry like babies when SUPPOSEDLY, a shooter suffering from some possibly man-made mental illness going and kills children at a elementary school, (I do not believe that really happened) and we think it is the worst thing ever, yet give a blind eye to all the women and children dying on a daily basis thanks to US drone attacks.

Excuse if I am rambling, but learning about the Diffusion of Innovations Theory simply allowed for me to give a term to the craziness that goes on in our lives that we accept, because it has been diffused and accepted.

This blog will not be for the faint of heart and I encourage all of my readers to ask me questions and challenge my thought process, just remember my knowledge is DEEP and I have friends in VERY VERY high places.

I told you that I know people in high places...

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