Sunday, June 16, 2013

Viral Videos... The good, the bad, the Government!

Ever since the birth of YouTube, viral videos have literally spread like a Colorado or California, wild fire. These Internet videos have made some companies and organizations a lot of money and new customers while decreasing some company's revenue and customer count.

Companies that have made money, via viral videos have either posted videos themselves to YouTube or brand loyal consumers took time out of their lives to share their joyous experiences with a product with the YouTube community.

Companies that have lost money and customers to viral videos typically fell short of a promise they they made about their product and an unappeased, disgruntled consumer shared their experience with the world. This is done sometimes to inform, but mostly to bash due to the money that they feel has been wasted on the product or experience.

Viral videos expressing thought and emotions about a particular companies product or service can prove detrimental to that companies failure or survival. However, no person or entity is immune from the seesaw effects viral videos as they do not just affect companies and their products.

Within the last four years (My own measurement) their has been an increased number of viral videos with political agendas aimed at the government and the powers that be.

Ever since Sept. 11, 2001, many people began to question the government and its truths as to the many tragedies that have taking place in America.

Recent "tragedies" such as the Boston bombing, the Sandy Hook school shooting and the Benghazi attacks have been called into question by like minded individuals world wide. These individuals are doing what most do not, their critically thinking. And why shouldn't they? Isn't that why we have brains in the first place?

 Watch it... It might just make you use your brain for a change.

The Internet, mainly YouTube has given these people a voice enabling them to share with others what they believe. Prior to YouTube, this was difficult to do via a basic HTML/CSS/Javascript based website.

I have my own beliefs as to what is going on in this country, however, due to my job, I have managed to come across"primary sources" for my information.

True, this is my professional blog and I am very thankful for those who take the time out to read my blog, I understand that it is not an entertainment blog and therefore might not be very entertaining, but educational, none the less.
I still believe in books and education.

And although this is my professional blog, readers should not relate this to anything monetary. Especially the Fiat based money system that we are all programmed to love and worship... (In God YOU trust).

This has not changed!!

But let us get back to the matter at hand for this post. Viral videos!

After the Sandy Hook incident, there was a tremendous amount of inaccurate reporting by major news corporations. In response to the mass amount of inaccurate reports, people took it upon themselves to investigate the situation by comparing results, drawing their own conclusions and uploading videos to YouTube. Some of their findings were very freightning.

Watch if you have the time.

 Before I say anymore, I would like to point out the fact that I am sure a lot of you would deem me to be a "conspiracy theorist" but in my opinion I am more of a professional "truth seeker". I credit myself as a TRUE journalist. Just because CNN, MSNBC or FOX news says that something happened a specific way DOES NOT MAKE IT TRUE!! We have been programmed since the birth of these broadcast to believe them and what they say, with little to no question.  Besides, President Nixon used the term consipiracy theorist when demonizing those who quetioned his actions pertaining to Watergate... Remind how well that worked out for him again. ;-)

Aside from the Sandy Hook videos that now have viewership in the millions, the Boston Bombing videos have also gone viral, informing millions of viewers of the lack of dilligent reporting by top news stations. And according to a friend of mine who works at CNN, the bad reporting comes from every station wanting the most ratings by reporting things first... REGARDLESS OF ACCURACY.

In conclusion, viral video affect every entity. No on is immune. Just remember that everything seen on the internet should not be taken as factual until you have researched it yourself, this applies to news broadcast reports as well.

1 comment:

  1. As a communication specialist in our emerging digital world, it is very important to be very aware of these “conspiracy” videos and sites. This is where we as communication specialists get our first dose of when citizen journalists go wrong. Let us say that the information provided in these posts is completely false and completely malicious. We must be vigilant to make sure that this “viral” information doesn’t spread any further. It is much easier to clean a small issue than to keep it from further spreading and evolving. Communication specialists, whether under a company or freelance, must be fully aware of their ethical qualms that maintain our accuracy and consistency to the public.
